Social Security and Your Government

VP Mike Pence on Social Security: “Everything Has to Be on the Table”.  

This article describes what is wrong with our government. At it’s core our government is giving its power up to the President, judges, special interest groups and government agencies so they don’t have to make the choices needed to keep our country running. The President shouldn’t have to use Excitative Orders to get things done unless its an extreme emergency. Judges should not have the option of interpreting the law, but ruling based on what the law says as written. Government agencies should write up drafts for the houses to pass into law. 

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White House Christmas

Why is it that some people feel that they have to make it a point to feel offended at everything! It seems like no one can do anything without someone thinking they have to let the whole world know that they are offended about it. The White House from what I can see of it looks just fine and I as  an American am proud of the way the First Lady has done her job. Just as I am proud of the the last First Lady and the one before her. I wish people would quit getting offended at the drop of the hat and grow up.

The official White House Christmas tree is seen in the Blue Room during the 2018 Christmas Press Preview at the White House.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Let the Campaigns begin!

Today we vote in the Mid-terms but the candidates have already begun to campaign for the next election.

Socialist America

The socialists that have infiltrated our politics and schools in the last forty or fifty years. Saw an opportunity to take a giant leap forward when Barack Obama was elected. They did push through a lot of their agenda for the first two years. But when Donald Trump won out of no where in 2016 they were beside themselves with total shock. They instantly rallied and from that time till now have done nothing but try to get the president out of office. To discredit him any way possible. Slowly their lies and twisted false accusations about collusion are coming out and no one is even going after the party that was trying to influence the election.

Continue reading “Socialist America”

Voted Today

Went to vote today and saw the line. As I was at lunch I decided to wait until i got off work.

Well the line didn’t get any shorter as the day progressed. The man I was standing and waiting with said it was like this yesterday when he came and he decided to come back today.

I have been early voting for many election cycles and this is the longest lines I have ever seen. 

Our Constitution is under Attack

We seem to be losing more and more of our freedoms with each passing year. Our First and Second Amendments are flapping in the wind depending on how someone feels about them. I for one am for both as they stand and as written. Don’t want to know how you interpret them. Just want the judges to uphold them as they are.