Change of Plans

Well retirement will be put on hold for a while. The company has asked me to stay on. I told them I would be interested but I didn’t want to come in to work everyday. I asked if I could work from home and only come in as needed. To my surprise they agreed and said we could try it out.

So my first day of retirement looks like it will be going into work. We have a problem with some software updates that were installed a couple of weeks ago. It shouldn’t take long and I may be able to get out of there in a few hours or so.

To be honest it feels good to know I will still be able to contribute and have a bit to do during the day. I have a remodel job at the house well actually several that will take a few months to do. The biggest of which is getting my wife to pick out some flooring. I also have a few sheet rock jobs to do around the house. I may post some pictures of the jobs and a run down of the work in progress.

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