Constant Criticisms


Some things are so very difficult to accomplish, that so few have ever tried… and even fewer have ever succeeded. Batting 300 for a season, throwing a perfect game, driving in the Daytona 500 and then winning, bowling a 300 game, scoring a perfect 10 on the high bars, winning a gold medal in ANY Olympic event, competing in a Superbowl at all, much less throwing the winning touchdown with 30 seconds left to play. We get it. We get how difficult it actually is do these very things, and so many more, yet we sit back in our comfortable arm chairs, recline in our Lazy-boy rocker, or even in mid-day have yet to get off the couch while watching TV… and criticize the actions of these very players/participants that are striving to achieve excellence in all these events day in and day out. OH YEAH we could have done that or we could do it better, they are not trying hard enough, they have lost all concentration, or any litany of other excuses we can think of for someone not able to achieve our own estimation of perfection. Listen, we get how easy it is to sit back and criticize someone who is attempting to do something. Something that we could never in our own wildest imagination accomplish on our own, yet we know exactly how someone else should do it and then exactly why they failed when they do not succeed. So easy a baby could have done it.. yet you never see babies run for 2,000 Yds., or throw for over 5,200 Yds. in a season.

All this is said to show we get it, but so many of us do not. Of all these sports events, not to even count music, fishing, hunting, skiing or any thing else that requires a talent that few people possess, there have been few that have excelled and succeeded, but a multitude who have tried and failed. We put forth that the ones who have failed are deserving of respect as well. For they have entered into the arena of battle and fought the fight. They have bared their talents, but came up short. Doing so is better than to have only thought about it… to have never made the attempt. The quote “A coward dies a thousands deaths, a Hero dies but one” comes to mind… yet that coward lives to tell the tale of their achievements never realized. Able to boast of their successes never to be achieved, but in their own mind. Now add up all the winners of all the events mentioned, and add to that total all the competitors that participated in each event. Cannot be done can it. The number is too large to even fathom, yet chances are, it is a number that does not include us.

Now count all the Presidents of the United States. There have been only 44. Count all the people who have even tried to run for the Office of Commander and Chief, it is a smaller number than you think. Only 3,000 since 1980. And the majority of these individuals never even qualified for the primaries… yet they entered the arena! They suited up to play the game and win it. They fought the fight and lost to the eventual victor. Bruised they exited the arena of battle, with their dignity, and their head held high for the attempt at the brass ring.

We see a lot of individuals criticize our current President, Donald J. Trump in print, and hear even more on the news and on-line. Yet have these individuals attempted to hold this office by fighting the fight, have they attempted to enter the arena of battle to eventually lose, yet lose with the dignity of having tried? No we would venture that not very many have, and even fewer still are even qualified to do so. Yet one and all offer their critiques, never having had the weight of office upon their shoulders, never having swore an oath to protect each individual American… even the ones that are slandering and criticizing him now. None have ever experienced the weight of having the very life of every solder sent into combat in your very hands, in addition the solemn duty to console each widow or family member upon the return of their loved ones remains, should one of those lives be lost. Yet we criticize because it is our constitutional right to do so. But we have never held in our hands the weight of the responsibility to protect that same Constitution and Bill of Rights, that grants the right for us all to criticize the President. It comes with the job, that is right, he signed up for it… correct. What did we sign up for? Do we as Americans have any weight on our shoulders to uphold the American ideals and morals? Do we bare any responsibility to make this Great Nation even greater on a daily basis, or is it our responsibility to point fingers and critique a Presidents performance and say to anyone or whoever may be listening that it could have been done better? Trump is the first president to assume the office without having had any prior public service experience, military or political. He is a business man and he builds things. He built America back to full employment, America as an oil exporter, America as a proud Nation not apologizing to any country for our own exceptionalism, and record high financial markets, yet half the population of the USA said they could do it better and criticized his every actions so much so he was singled out for impeachment prior to him even being inaugurated. We get it.. If President Trump succeeds then Democrats lose the right to steer the Federal and Appellate Courts across the US. If Trump wins then he gets to possibly appoint the next Supreme Court Justice where all progressives go to fight their battles, as Democrats cannot possibly pass their agendas through legislation. We get it that Trump is a brash, arrogant, and some what confrontational President. Remember he is not anything like a politician, and also unlike politicians, all of the promises he campaigned on have already been fulfilled, or in the process of getting there. That is also something the Washington Establishment cannot allow to continue, they need issues, and problems that never get solved so that they always have something claiming to fix when campaigning. Just how long have some of these elitists been in office and never accomplished a fraction of what the Trump Administration has… we would guess a majority of them. In closing the Democrats have a vested interest in destroying all that Trump Administration would wish to build up.. and in doing so if America is destroyed, so be it.. collateral damage. However this fight for the America as we know it is being waged under threat of a Pandemic the likes of which this generation has not seen, whether fabricated or natural, we are all in this fight together as we are all Americans, and Donald Trump is our American President. We can choose to fight against him, or with him to win this battle. We may pick-a-part every aspect of a speech or interview, but are we actually the ones attempting to convey a calm attitude, and pertinent information to the Nation on live TV before a hostel news media, and nail it perfectly after 300 plus hours of doing so. Are we entrusted with picking up the Covid-19 ball and running 5000 yards in time to score, so our Nation that has endured for over 200 years… continues to do so. Are we dealing with the economy collapsing, and rogue state governors who want to ruin their own economies so that they can qualify for stimulus money, an ever climbing National Debt that is not now sustainable, and foreign national interests that would wish to see America perish any way possible? The President of all things is now having to protect the American population from destroying themselves… the very people he has sworn to protect. This man has a lot on his plate… and we are sitting back critiquing his efforts with our own mouths full. We would do better because we can speak more eloquently right, and we know it all from the get go correct? However we are not the President, president Trump is because we did not enter the arena to fight, President Trump did and he won. We all need to get up off our asses, close our mouths and help this Nation, help our President win this fight. We need to realize today, right now, that there is an arena that is worth entering, worth all the effort for all Americans to enter, to fight and win, the fight to become a successful parent, and the most worthy of efforts, to become a good citizen of these United States of America.

We’ll leave you with a comment from a previous President, one who also sustained his fair share of criticism, and he had something to say about it too.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

― Theodore Roosevelt

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