Is Pelosi Committing Political Suicide?

Pelosi is a Representative of a district in San Francisco. That is all she represents. She is looking small and petty with the stunt she is pulling with the SOTU. President Trump represents the United States. All of it! Most Americans have the common sense to know that walls work and that they would work on the border. At the very least we could see where our money is unlike the eight hundred billion dollars Obama got for those shovel ready jobs that never happened. Build the wall Mr President the American People are behind you. Speaker

Pelosi is acting like a woman whos lost her mind. That line she had with the ACA, we have to pass it to see what is in it. Now she says we have to open the government before we can negotiate border security. We have been there and done that. We know nothing will be done for the border. We know that the Democrats will obstruct , stall and try to shut down anything the President wants to do. They have made it abundantly clear over and over again. We, the American people are far, from the stupid ignorant people , the elitist in Washington DC think we are. We can see what is happening in DC and we will have a good memory in 2020.

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