A New Year

The year is starting out like any other, people are going about their day, some good some not so good. Its the way of life and how you choose to look at it will determine what it will be like.

A lot of people around the world will not have a choice about the direction of their lives. We still live in a world that has a lot of evil in it. In evil I mean that a lot of countries are ruled by men that don’t respect a persons right to freedom and choice. They want to control what men do so that they can make themselves more richer and powerful.

I live in a country that for the time respects freedom. Its one of our founding principles. But the government in its lack of wisdom is slowly striping those freedoms away in the guise of security, or for the betterment of the people it is suppose to serve.

But for now I am able to provide for my family and enjoy my life. I will try to do what I can to help others as the year unfolds. I will do my best to treat others as I would like to be treated. I wish everyone a happy new year and hope that its a prosperous one. Show kindness to others when you can. Have courage to change the things you can ,
serenity to accept the things you cannot change and may you have the wisdom to know the difference.

Happy new year to all….

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