Men that cook at home.

I wonder how many men do some or most of the cooking for themselves or the family. I don’t cook on a regular basis but I do cook from time to time. I do all the grilling and I make my own breakfast in the mornings. But there are a lot  of single fathers out there that take care of their kids and prepare the meals. I wonder how many men that are married cook for the family?

The fast food restaurants do a good business and for all the single guys out there it just makes sense to eat out as apposed to stocking up on food that may go bad before eaten. But I have been single for half of my adult life and have eaten out a lot and I am hear to tell you it gets old fast. It also costs a lot of money these days as the price has continually gone up and up.

But the price of cooking at home is still way more cost effective than eating out its just time consuming. A lot of men and women don’t want to spend the time in the kitchen after a long day at work cooking. Many do but I would think most don’t. A quick bit or snack here and there and that’s good enough. Not the most nutritious but most people get by.

It makes you wonder how are all these people getting over weight. You hear it all the time that America is a land of over weight people. But I am getting off topic. I think more men are taking on the cooking roll or at least sharing it, in the household as women have been working to help support the family. But is it take out or do they actually cook the meals. My skills are pretty limited I have to admit. My wife does most of the heavy lifting in the cooking dept. But I don’t ask her to cook something for me if she or my some isn’t eating. If I am cooking I will cook for the family if they are hungry.  I think its something every man should know how to do and every boy should be taught to do. But the roll of the woman is still engrained in us that they are the main cook and bottle washer even though they are working a job just as much as the men.

So when does it even out? If men take on more of the cooking roll will women help out more with the yard work, home repair. And that’s not quite fair either as both of those chores are not a daily event. I don’t mind cooking its just something that I am not good at. I eat to exist not the other way around so I could I live off mac and cheese for weeks at a time and it wouldn’t bother me.

So I think men should step up and show their cooking skills more often if for no other reason that to keep in practice and keep learning new ways to make things more interesting to eat. But lets face it, if we as men have someone that likes to cook and is willing to do it. Well we will let them and if women have men that take care of the house, car and yard. That roll will be the men’s job. Is it an even trade? Not really, but that’s how it is.


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